Learning@Lehman, Winter Recess Edition December 21, 2015-January 3, 2016

Lehman Teaching & Learning Commons


Winter Recess Edition, December 21, 2015 – January 3, 2016

Greetings! Learning@Lehman offers a glance at recent perspectives in teaching and learning, posts reminders of faculty development opportunities, and describes a teaching strategy to increase student success.

Teaching and learning perspectives:

The 2015 Influence List


Looking Back at the Year in Ed Tech

Should students be partners in curriculum design?


Faculty development activities:

Venezuela: Elections and Democracy (discussion)

Monday, December 21, 4-6 p.m.

Graduate Center, Room 9204

As We Are—Disability: Portraits of a Community (photo exhibit)

Ongoing (through June 3rd)

Baruch College, William and Anita Newman Library, 2nd floor

151 East 25th Street

Spring 2016 Syllabus Consultations

January 4 – 28 (contact Gina Rae Foster, [email protected], for appointments)

Teaching & Learning Commons, Old Gym 118

This week’s teaching strategy:

Polar Opposites – Ask the class to examine two written-out versions of a

theory (or corollary, law of nature, etc.), where one is incorrect, such as the

opposite or a negation of the other. In deciding which is correct, students

will have to examine the problem from all angles.

(from Kevin Yee, Interactive Techniques, 2007)

Questions? Comments? Stop by Old Gym 118 for more resources and discussion or email Gina Rae Foster <[email protected]>

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