Learning@Lehman Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lehman Teaching & Learning Commons


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Greetings! Learning@Lehman offers a glance at recent perspectives in teaching and learning, posts reminders of faculty development opportunities, and describes a teaching strategy to increase student success.

Teaching and learning perspectives:

“Academic crowdsourcing” allows lecturers to share ideas



Yes, Virginia, There Is a Better Way to Grade



The 13 Best “Onion” Stories about Higher Education



Faculty development activities:

Spring 2016 Syllabus Consultations

January 4 – 28 (contact Gina Rae Foster, [email protected], for appointments)

Teaching & Learning Commons, Old Gym 118


Newsgathering with Social Media (workshop, $48)

Tuesday, January 19, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

CUNY Graduate School of Journalism

Open Educational Resources Faculty Project Deadline

Sunday, January 31 (all day)

Contact Rebecca Arzola [email protected]


This week’s teaching strategy:

Guided Lecture: Students listen to 15-20 minutes of lecture without taking notes. At the end, they spend five minutes recording all they can recall. The next step involves learners in small discussion groups reconstructing the lecture conceptually with supporting data, preparing complete lecture notes, using the instructor to resolve questions that arise. – See more at: http://teaching.uncc.edu/learning-resources/articles-books/best-practice/instructional-methods/best-practices-summary#sthash.9JIn2dOp.dpuf

Questions? Comments? Stop by Old Gym 118 for more resources and discussion or email Gina Rae Foster <[email protected]>

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