Learning@Lehman January 26, 2016

Lehman Teaching & Learning Commons


Tuesday January 26, 2016

Greetings! Learning@Lehman offers a glance at recent perspectives in teaching and learning, posts reminders of faculty development opportunities, and describes a teaching strategy to increase student success.

Teaching and learning perspectives:

What Leaders Can Learn from Teaching Undergraduates


Teaching Ourselves to Teach


What Should We Be Teaching the Next Generation of Computer Scientists?


Faculty development activities:

Biology Symposium

Wednesday, January 27, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Queens College, Science Building B 137


Spring 2016 Syllabus Consultations

January 4 – 28 (contact Gina Rae Foster, [email protected], for appointments)

Teaching & Learning Commons, Old Gym 118

Open Educational Resources Faculty Project Deadline

Sunday, January 31 (all day)

Contact Rebecca Arzola [email protected]

This week’s teaching strategy:

Build From Restricted Components – Provide limited resources (or adiscrete list of ideas that must be used) and either literally or figurativelydump them on the table, asking students in groups to construct a solutionusing only these things (note: may be familiar from the Apollo 13 movie).If possible, provide red herrings, and ask students to construct a solutionusing the minimum amount of items possible. 

(from Kevin Yee, Interactive Techniques, 2007) 

Questions? Comments? Stop by Old Gym 118 for more resources and discussion or email Gina Rae Foster <[email protected]>

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