Learning@Lehman, Monday, January 11, 2016

Lehman Teaching & Learning Commons


Monday, January 11, 2016

Greetings! Learning@Lehman offers a glance at recent perspectives in teaching and learning, posts reminders of faculty development opportunities, and describes a teaching strategy to increase student success.

Teaching and learning perspectives:

Removing Racist Symbols Isn’t a Denial of History


Code-Switching to Improve Your Writing and Productivity


Competency-Based Education, Technology, and the Liberal Arts


Faculty development activities:

Online/Hybrid Workshop

Tuesday, January 19 (online only)

Wednesday, January 20, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Location to be announced

Application deadline: Friday, January 15 (click on link below)


Spring 2016 Syllabus Consultations

January 4 – 28 (contact Gina Rae Foster, [email protected], for appointments)

Teaching & Learning Commons, Old Gym 118

Open Educational Resources Faculty Project Deadline

Sunday, January 31 (all day)

Contact Rebecca Arzola [email protected]

This week’s teaching strategy:

Punctuated Lectures: Ask students to perform five steps: listen, stop, reflect, write, and give feedback. Students become self-monitoring listeners.

(from Kevin Yee, Interactive Techniques, 2007)

Questions? Comments? Stop by Old Gym 118 for more resources and discussion or email Gina Rae Foster <[email protected]>

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