Learning@Lehman Weekly Digest November 9, 2015


Monday, November 9, 2015

Greetings! Learning@Lehman offers a glance at recent perspectives in teaching and learning, posts reminders of this week’s faculty development opportunities, and describes a teaching strategy to increase student success.

Teaching and learning perspectives:

Many Colleges Now See Centers for Teaching with Technology as Part of Innovation Infrastructure


Novelist Marilynne Robinson Warns Stanford Audience against Utilitarian Trends in Higher Education


School Vs. Society in America’s Failing Students


Faculty development activities:

Faculty Coffee and Conversation: Teaching Successes

Wednesday, November 11, 3:30-5 p.m., Art Gallery

Thinking through Quality Questioning workshop (please RSVP to Gina Foster)

Friday, November 13, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Carman B81

This week’s teaching strategy:

Concept Maps: Concept maps are hierarchical organizers that illustrate relationships through increasing sub-categorization of a main idea. Learners use concept maps to complicate and extend knowledge by adding levels of subordinate relationships to the overall concept the instructor wishes to emphasize. Concept maps may appear linear (organized vertically with the main concept at the top or bottom of the page) or nodal (organized with the main concept at the center of the page with nodes of sub-concepts moving out towards the margins).

Questions? Comments? Stop by Old Gym 118 for more resources and discussion or email Gina Rae Foster <[email protected]>

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